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Character Education
CLCC is working to give our children a strong foundation in character traits. Character traits aid in social and emotional skills growth which is essential at this age. At CLCC we have adopted a program from the University of LA called Character Critters. The character education themes go hand in hand with themes used in the Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools. The curriculum committee created the last three months of character critters in order to complete a year’s worth of themes as with Charlotte Meck’s program. With Character Critters, stuffed animals are used to help teach the theme of the month.
Students will gain a great understanding of these traits through story cards and activities with stuffed animals, role playing, and short video clips. The character education trait of the month will be implemented in our specials (chapel, story time, music). Even though we are working on one trait per month, teachers will continue to teach the appropriate social/emotional skills as situations arise in their classroom.
The following are the character education themes for the following months:
January: Fran the Fair Frog
Know and follow the rules
Share with friends and family
Listen to friends and family
Don’t put blame on family and friends
February: Cindy the Citizen Crab
Obey rules
Respect people in charge
Do not litter
March: Stanley the Standing Tall Giraffe
Stand up for yourself
Play what you want to play
Do the right thing
April: Polly the Problem Solving Parrot
Solve problems with friends using words
Stay on task and working through frustrations
Stay positive
May: Sally the Self-Esteem Seal
Believe in yourself
Look what you can do!
You are AWESOME!
September: Rusty the Respectful Raccoon
Be kind to friends and family
Listen to parents and teachers
Use good manners
No hitting or hurting
Talk about problems
Take care of property: toys, playground, friends’ personal items
October: Roy the Responsible Rabbit
Do what you are supposed to do
Keep on trying
Always do your best
Help friends and family
November: Tommy the Trustworthy Turtle
Tell the truth
Follow the rules
Don’t take things that don’t belong to you
Do what you say you’re going to do – keep your promise
December: Carrie the Caring Cat
Be kind to people
Show family that you care
Say “please” and “thank you”
Help others
Community Projects​