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During this year, it is important that your child’s social and emotional skills are enhanced. Learning through play is the richest way to learn. Your child will enjoy role playing in different centers while using his/her creative imagination and various props to create familiar situations. Be careful of what you do and say; we may see it in our classroom!  Working in small groups will help children interact with others by learning to share, taking turns, and talking with one another in appropriate ways. We will give your child the tools to help him/her be successful while playing with others.


Our curriculum is based on learning through songs, finger plays, repetition, play, and books.  Here are some highlights of our 2’s curriculum:


Theme and Bible Story of the Week

  • School-wide theme and bible story of the week

  • Open-ended questions and discussions to enhance thinking and listening skills

  • Visual aids and props used to aid in learning


Math Skills

  • Large group twice a week

  • Small group instruction once a week

  • Skills include: colors, shapes, sorting, big/little, and counting aloud with teacher

  • Math activities and manipulatives present in various centers


Science/Sensory Skills

  • Touch and visual exploration in centers and activities

  • Problem solving and discovery

  • Sensory table available at least two times a week

  • Attend the science room once a week from January to June

  • Outdoor learning center available to classrooms: garden, picnic, and music area


Social and Emotional Skills

  • Learn skills through play in centers: dramatic play, block, manipulatives, sensory, art, music, and library

  • Character education traits discussed daily with monthly themed traits

  • Large/small group and individual instruction on handling situations


Language Skills

  • Opportunities to express self during circle activities: open-ended questions, calendar, weather, Pledge of Allegiance, theme of week, Bible story of week, group songs, stories

  • Show and Share will be scheduled at least once a month per child


Fine and Gross Motor Skills

  • Play daily on playground or in the gym weather permitting with age-appropriate toys

  • Classroom art with use of crayons, markers, chalk, Play-Doh, watercolors, etc.

  • Movement activities in classroom


Please keep in mind that all children develop their skills at different rates. Studies have shown that developmental skills of children even out around second or third grade. With this in mind, understand that we are introducing lessons and skills to your children. Children are sponges and will take in the information and let it “pour out” when they are ready. One cannot force a child to do something that they are not ready to do. We have a fabulous curriculum that is based on learning through songs, finger plays, repetition, play, and books


Please note that developmental evaluations will be sent home in May so you can see how your child is progressing in physical growth and motor development, social and emotional development, and cognitive and language development. Christ Lutheran Children’s Center has an open-door policy; you may request a conference at any time during the year.

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