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Young Infants
We understand that for many of you, this will be your first experience placing your baby in childcare. One of our main goals is to communicate with you on a daily basis to give your baby the best opportunity to grow and flourish in his/her own unique way. Our curriculum will encourage your baby to explore, problem solve, express themselves through movement, build self-confidence, and establish trusting relationships. We are here to offer your baby a stimulating and loving environment not a stressful one. Your baby’s needs and safety are our first priority. Parents are responsible for bringing in diapers, wipes, and bottles/food for their infant.
A record of your child’s day will be recorded on a daily basis. Parents will fill out a feeding schedule for their baby under 15 months of age. As the child’s feeding needs change, the parent is responsible for updating the feeding schedule. Once a baby is 15 months old, the baby must eat from the regular menu at Christ Lutheran. The amount of food/bottles given and times fed will be documented on the child’s daily note. NO MEDICINES/VITAMINS ALLOWED IN BOTTLES.
Babies under 12 months will be placed on their backs to sleep. Once your baby is 6 months old and is able to roll over on his/her stomach, he/she may remain sleeping on stomach. Please note that due to state law, we do not swaddle babies nor use blankets in the cribs. Teachers may use a sleep sack for age-appropriate babies. Please note that your baby will be checked every 15 minutes while he/she sleeps. This will be documented on your baby’s daily sheet as well.
During your baby’s first year, we believe that infants need to be nurtured and loved through physical touch and language, for example: rocking, being held and caressed, being talked to, etc. It is important that your child’s developmental goals (gross & fine motor, language/intellectual, and social/emotional) are enhanced. Infants learn by exploring their world around them. In the areas of gross and fine motor development, your baby will enjoy movement activities and sensory activities especially while on their tummy. Your baby’s language/intellectual areas will be enjoyed through one on one conversations, songs, finger play, and books. In the areas of social/emotional development, your baby will play with other babies and experience his/her teacher talking with them about what they are seeing throughout the day. Infants will also enjoy time on the playground, in the gym, and in the Rumpus Room to play with age-appropriate toys. Through these activities, teachers will be able to help your baby integrate his/her senses and will give your child the tools to help them be successful in their surroundings.